Description: |
PRO Version
- Custom Template Color
- Joomla 2.5.x/Joomla3.x Compatible
- Responsive Design
- Static or automatic screen resolution
- Responsive Header slideshow (with different effects, text description and URL for each image)
- 100% CSS Tableless design, CSS and HTML Validation
- Body font size chooser
- Body font style chooser
- Template background chooser (default background or upload your own from admin panel)
- Body text color
- Enable/Disable template background image
- Template background color chooser
- Three columns layout
- Switch between column (left or right)
- Clean business style
- Custom error page
- Logo options (choose between text or image logo)
- Menu selector (select different menus for horizontal menu)
- Menu color chooser
- Super fast loading template
- Social media links (Enable/Disable social media links)
- Collapsible module positions
- Log in/Register module
- Accordion Module
- Tabs Module
- Newsflash module
- Extra module positions
- Enable/Disable FrontPage from admin panel
- Remove footer copyright text and link to the author of the template
- 24/7 free email support guaranteed
Module Positions
